Mpole High School

Mpole high school was formed in 1993.By that time it didn't have many students. But then it kept on going. It has only four class rooms and office made by the community. Every one who lived here at vlaak plaas donated a brick so that the office can be build.It's passing rate has always got balanced up. Students usually received basaries. Even though it had few teachers. Every one strived for the best.every year they organise trips just to cool our heads down. It's actually a nice school but what's annoying is when some parents judges it for not having teachers and classroom. They actually take it as a low standard. We have got talented kids in MPHOLE HIGH SCHOOL but they don't learn on how to stand up and emblase their talents. We have got students with different talents but then they mind what people are saying outside about them.people will always talk, so why minding them? Mpole has always been a great school just that they are negative people who keeps pushing that it's bad.not  because our school doesn't have enough class rooms and doesn't mean that it's a bad school. What I can say about its badness is about teenage pregnancy. Most of us as be pregnant when we reach at grade eleven but though, what is very impressive is that, we don't drop out of school, we just keep on attending the school.They have got this "vibe" we have got something special inside us.which is very impressive. Mpole might have few classes,but I believe we have got amazing things inside us,that's why 'keep bad mouthing's suprising that some school's has got teachers,All the subjects proper schools and enough classes but they keep on failing. Which means that we mpole learners are the best of the Best.!!
