Brian Molefe aka Mr Unpaid Leave says he didn't resign

Molefe says he was on unpaid leave !

Eskom’s resigned, retired and reinstated chief executive Brian Molefe has said that him leaving the company – crocodile tears and all – was just a big misunderstanding.

He submitted an answering affidavit in response to the Democratic Alliance wanting him removed, again. In his affidavit, he said he “took early retirement”.

But, as it turns out, he didn’t qualify for early retirement because of a “fundamental mistake” by Eskom’s board. This apparently means the board had no choice but to backtrack and reinstate him.

Are you still following? We hope so, cause this whole muddled mess then gets slightly more confusing.

Molefe and public enterprises minister Lynne Brown say that he was just on “unpaid leave”.

It’s all turning into one heck of a he-said, she-said with the two parties mixing up timelines and nobody able to spin straight.

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